• On 28–30 Sep­tem­ber 2023 the ReLDI Cen­tre and sev­er­al mem­bers of the ReLDI net­work will be in Ri­je­ka for the CLARC 2023 con­fer­ence, or­gan­ised by the Cen­ter for Lan­guage Re­search of the Fac­ul­ty of Hu­man­i­ties and So­cial Sci­ences at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Ri­je­ka. The con­fer­ence top­ic is “Lan­guage and Lan­guage Data”, to be dis­cussed in ReLDI light through ple­nary talks by Maja Mil­iče­vić Petro­vić and Niko­la Ljubešić, a pan­el on the re­cent­ly com­plet­ed UPSKILLS project, and a round­table on “Lin­guis­tics and.…..

  • The ven­tures of ReLDI are now de­scribed in a book chap­ter, avail­able in open ac­cess! With­in the new­ly pub­lished book CLARIN. The In­fra­struc­ture for Lan­guage Re­sources, which marks CLARIN’s 10th an­niver­sary as a Eu­ro­pean Re­search In­fra­struc­ture Con­sor­tium, Niko­la Ljubešić, Tomaž Er­javec, Maja Mil­iče­vić Petro­vić and Tan­ja Samardžić tell the sto­ry of how ReLDI came about, how it help(ed|s) the de­vel­op­ment of tech­nolo­gies for South Slav­ic lan­guages, and how its ini­tial con­tacts with col­leagues from Slove­nia grew into a long-stand­ing col­lab­o­ra­tion.…..

  • On 15 and 16 Sep­tem­ber 2022 the ReLDI Cen­tre and the ReLDI net­work had sev­er­al rep­re­sen­ta­tives at the JTDH con­fer­ence in Ljubl­jana. We are es­pe­cial­ly pround of two young re­searchers from Bel­grade — Na­tal­i­ja Tomić and Ruži­ca Far­makovs­ki — who pre­sent­ed work born from ReLDI events and su­per­vised by Tan­ja Samardžić and Niko­la Ljubešić. Check out the pro­ceed­ings for more de­tails! An im­por­tant mo­ment in the con­fer­ence was also a ReLDI-CLASS­LA get-to­geth­­er. The rather spon­ta­neous meet­ing start­ed as a get-to-meet-every­one-in-a-cir­­cle (first.…..

  • On 28–30 Sep­tem­ber 2023 the ReLDI Cen­tre and sev­er­al mem­bers of the ReLDI net­work will be in Ri­je­ka for the CLARC 2023 con­fer­ence, or­gan­ised by the Cen­ter for Lan­guage Re­search of the Fac­ul­ty of Hu­man­i­ties and So­cial Sci­ences at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Ri­je­ka. The con­fer­ence top­ic is “Lan­guage and Lan­guage Data”, to be dis­cussed in ReLDI light through ple­nary talks by Maja Mil­iče­vić Petro­vić and Niko­la Ljubešić, a pan­el on the re­cent­ly com­plet­ed UPSKILLS project, and a round­table on “Lin­guis­tics and.…..

  • The ven­tures of ReLDI are now de­scribed in a book chap­ter, avail­able in open ac­cess! With­in the new­ly pub­lished book CLARIN. The In­fra­struc­ture for Lan­guage Re­sources, which marks CLARIN’s 10th an­niver­sary as a Eu­ro­pean Re­search In­fra­struc­ture Con­sor­tium, Niko­la Ljubešić, Tomaž Er­javec, Maja Mil­iče­vić Petro­vić and Tan­ja Samardžić tell the sto­ry of how ReLDI came about, how it help(ed|s) the de­vel­op­ment of tech­nolo­gies for South Slav­ic lan­guages, and how its ini­tial con­tacts with col­leagues from Slove­nia grew into a long-stand­ing col­lab­o­ra­tion.…..

  • On 15 and 16 Sep­tem­ber 2022 the ReLDI Cen­tre and the ReLDI net­work had sev­er­al rep­re­sen­ta­tives at the JTDH con­fer­ence in Ljubl­jana. We are es­pe­cial­ly pround of two young re­searchers from Bel­grade — Na­tal­i­ja Tomić and Ruži­ca Far­makovs­ki — who pre­sent­ed work born from ReLDI events and su­per­vised by Tan­ja Samardžić and Niko­la Ljubešić. Check out the pro­ceed­ings for more de­tails! An im­por­tant mo­ment in the con­fer­ence was also a ReLDI-CLASS­LA get-to­geth­­er. The rather spon­ta­neous meet­ing start­ed as a get-to-meet-every­one-in-a-cir­­cle (first.…..

  • ReLDI cen­tre for lin­guis­tic data will par­tic­i­pate, as an as­so­ciate part­ner, in a project ded­i­cat­ed to lan­guage tech­nolo­gies and dig­i­tal text pro­cess­ing (Cr. “Jez­ične tehnologi­je i dig­i­tal­na obra­da tek­s­ta”). This in­ter­est­ing project has been ap­proved with­in the call “UNIRI CLASS — Open Per­son­alised Ed­u­ca­tion”, and its ob­jec­tive is to in­tro­duce a new mi­nor through a col­lab­o­ra­tion of mul­ti­ple UNIRI com­po­nent units. The project co­or­di­na­tor is Benedikt Per­ak.…

  • The ReLDI cen­tre is con­tin­u­ing the col­lab­o­ra­tion with CLARIN.SI’s Knowl­edge cen­tre for South Slav­ic lan­guages — CLASSLA. In fact, the re­cent suc­cess sto­ry pub­lished by CLASSLA is ded­i­cat­ed to the im­por­tance of col­lab­o­ra­tions and syn­er­gies, and the term “ReLDI ef­fect” is used to de­scribe syn­er­gis­tic ef­fects be­tween dif­fer­ent projects. You can read the full sto­ry at https://www.clarin.si/info/k-centre/success-stories/. In ad­di­tion, the ReLDI cen­tre has re­cent­ly been in­volved in the de­vel­op­ment of the first open speech-to-text sys­tem for Croa­t­ian, co­or­di­nat­ed by CLASSLA.……

  • The ma­te­ri­als from Re­gion­al vari­a­tion in gen­der mark­ing: a hands-on tu­to­r­i­al on ex­tract­ing data from cor­po­ra are now avail­able for down­load from https://github.com/clarinsi/workshop_reg_mark. These ma­te­ri­als pro­vide an in­tro­duc­tion to the process of us­ing cor­po­ra to study a lin­guis­tic (and not only lin­guis­tic) prob­lem, with in­for­ma­tion on: how to find (com­pa­ra­ble) South Slav­ic cor­po­ra in the CLARIN.SI repos­i­to­ry how to ex­plore cor­po­ra through the noS­ketchEngine and Kon­Text con­cor­dancers how to study gen­der mark­ing look­ing at fre­quen­cies of fem­i­nine and mas­cu­line nouns de­scrib­ing oc­cu­pa­tions, and at the dis­tri­b­u­tion of fem­i­nine.…..

  • The Uni­ver­si­ty of Zurich — URPP “Lan­guage and Space”, the CLARIN knowl­edge cen­tre for South Slav­ic lan­guages — CLASSLA and the ReLDI cen­tre are or­gan­is­ing an on­line work­shop ded­i­cat­ed to re­gion­al marked­ness in text. The work­shop will take place on Zoom, 6–7 No­vem­ber 2021. The de­tails, in­clud­ing the pro­gramme and the reg­is­tra­tion link, can be found here. Stu­dents are par­tic­u­lar­ly en­cour­aged to ap­ply!…

  • On 26 Feb­ru­ary 2021, ReLDI will par­tic­i­pate in the con­fer­ence In­ter­na­tion­alisms in Slav­ic as a win­dow into the ar­chi­tec­ture of gram­mar — In­ter­Slav­ic 2020/2021, or­gan­ised by the Uni­ver­si­ty of Graz. The ab­stract and the pre­sen­ta­tion can be found here, and in case you wish to join us and the rest of the con­fer­ence, the reg­is­tra­tion in­struc­tions are avail­able here.…

  • The CLASSLA knowl­edge cen­tre has re­cent­ly pub­lished a new state-of-the-art BERT-like mod­el cov­er­ing Croa­t­ian and Ser­bian. The mod­el is avail­able via Hug­ging­Face, and a ver­sion fine-tuned to the task of named en­ti­ty recog­ni­tion has been pub­lished on the same plat­form too (see here). The cre­ator of the mod­el is Niko­la Ljubešić.…

  • ReLDI cen­tre has re­cent­ly col­lab­o­rat­ed with the Re­search Cen­tre of the Sloven­ian Acad­e­my of Sci­ences and Arts on the cre­ation of cor­po­ra of lan­guage-re­lat­ed news ar­ti­cles and news com­ments in Ser­bian, Croa­t­ian and Slovene. The work was co­or­di­nat­ed by Vuk Batanović, and the cor­po­ra can be down­loaded here.…

  • On 24 Oc­to­ber 2020, a num­ber of ReLDI re­sources have been pre­sent­ed by Vuk Batanović at the con­fer­ence Pri­me­na slo­bodnog soft­vera i otvorenog hard­vera (Ap­pli­ca­ton of Free Soft­ware and Open Hard­ware) at the School of Elec­tri­cal En­gi­neer­ing in Bel­grade. You can see the pre­sen­ta­tion and the pa­per here.…

  • A three-year strate­gic part­ner­ship UPSKILLS — UP­grad­ing the SKIlls of Lin­guis­tics and Lan­guage Stu­dents, whose par­tic­i­pants are Tan­ja Samardžić and Maja Mil­iče­vić Petro­vić, has been ap­proved for fund­ing with­in the Eras­mus+ pro­gramme, with the ad­di­tion of fund­ing by the Swiss agency Move­tia. The co­or­di­na­tor of the part­ner­ship is the Uni­ver­si­ty of Mal­ta. The project part­ners will de­vel­op teach­ing ma­te­ri­als for stu­dents of lan­guages and lin­guis­tics on top­ics such as pro­gram­ming, re­search meth­ods and quan­ti­ta­tive data analy­sis.…

  • A two-year project Ad­vanc­ing Nov­el Tex­tu­al Sim­i­lar­i­­ty-based So­lu­tions in Soft­ware De­vel­op­ment —   AVANTES has been ap­proved for fund­ing with­in the Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence pro­gramme of the Sci­ence Fund of the Re­pub­lic of Ser­bia. Par­tic­i­pants in the project are ReLDI mem­bers Vuk Batanović, Maja Mil­iče­vić Petro­vić and Tan­ja Samardžić. The project is ded­i­cat­ed to the study of the re­la­tion­ship be­tween pro­gram­ming code se­man­tics and the mean­ing of code com­ments writ­ten in nat­ur­al lan­guages. So­lu­tions re­gard­ing the prob­lems of code com­ment cat­e­go­riza­tion,.…..

  • On 6 May 2020, ReLDI par­tic­i­pat­ed in the first CLASSLA (on­line) work­shop. You can read more about it here (and see us!).…

  • The re­cent­ly set-up CLARIN knowl­edge cen­tre for South Slav­ic lan­guages [CLASSLA] and ReLDI have come to an agree­ment of close col­lab­o­ra­tion. While CLASSLA has a wider scope (South Slav­ic lan­guages) and is most­ly ac­tive in the CLARIN ERIC com­mu­ni­ty, ReLDI is still a cor­ner­stone of grass­roots ef­forts in Croa­t­ia, Ser­bia and be­yond, to boot­strap lan­guage tech­nol­o­gy de­vel­op­ment and im­prove lan­guage re­search method­ol­o­gy.…

  • Our Move­tia project end­ed af­ter a suc­cess­ful and fun sum­mer school held in the Pet­ni­ca Sci­ence Cen­tre 1–13 July 2019. For more in­for­ma­tion and some pho­tos, see here.…

  • Bor­ders and bound­aries in Bosn­ian, Croa­t­ian, Mon­tene­grin and Ser­bian: Twit­ter data to the res­cue Jour­nal of Lin­guis­tic Ge­og­ra­phy, 6(2), 100–124. Niko­la Ljubešić, Maja Mil­iče­vić Petro­vić and Tan­ja Samardžić A new ar­ti­cle by an all-ReLDI team shows how we can use Twit­ter to clar­i­fy the ever-puz­­zling re­la­tion­ships be­tween Bosn­ian, Croa­t­ian, Mon­tene­grin and Ser­bian. For a pre-print ver­sion fol­low this link.  …

  • In­tro video…

  • A bit sim­plis­tic, but in­ter­est­ing: Why lan­guages and di­alects re­al­ly are dif­fer­ent an­i­mals (ar­ti­cle by Søren Wich­mann)  …

  • On 21 De­cem­ber 2018, the ReLDI net­work held a meet­ing at the In­sti­tute for Croa­t­ian Lan­guage and Lin­guis­tics in Za­greb. Net­work mem­bers and guests pre­sent­ed their ideas for fu­ture projects, fol­lowed by a dis­cus­sion on pos­si­bil­i­ties for re­gion­al col­lab­o­ra­tion. We thank all the par­tic­i­pants for their in­put. Spe­cial thanks go to the lo­cal or­gan­is­er, Kristi­na Štrkalj Despot, and to the In­sti­tute for Croa­t­ian Lan­guage and Lin­guis­tics for their hos­pi­tal­i­ty!   …

  • The next ReLDI meet­ing will take place in Za­greb on 21 De­cem­ber 2018. If you would like to at­tend, let us know via our con­tact form.…

  • A new grant Re­vis­it­ing re­search train­ing in lin­guis­tics: the­o­ry, log­ic, method (Nr. 2018-CH-IP-0012), is award­ed by the Swiss fund­ing agency Move­tia to Tan­ja Samardžić and Maja Mil­iče­vić in col­lab­o­ra­tion with Gen­ove­va Puskas from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Gene­va. The goal of the new part­ner­ship is to in­tro­duce the con­tent taught in the ReLDI sem­i­nars to the un­der­grad­u­ate pro­grammes at the Uni­ver­si­ties of Zurich, Bel­grade and Gene­va. See the an­nounce­ment from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Zurich.…

  • As of 1 March 2018, ReLDI on­line cours­es on the Open edX @ Zurich plat­form will be avail­able via a new page.…

  • Four ReLDI on­line cours­es are now open and can be ac­cessed via the Open edX @ Zurich plat­form. More de­tailed in­for­ma­tion can be found at the on­line cours­es page.…

  • Be­tween 15 Au­gust and 1 Oc­to­ber 2017 four ReLDI on­line cours­es will be opened on the Open edX @ Zurich plat­form. More de­tailed in­for­ma­tion can be ac­cessed from the on­line cours­es page.…

  • Blog posts about ReLDI have been pub­lished on the URPP Lan­guage and Space blog (au­thor: Tan­ja Samardžić), and the CLARIN blog (au­thors: Ana Slavec and Jakob Lenardič).…

  • The fifth ReLDI sem­i­nar took place from 21 to 23 June 2017 in Ljubl­jana, Slove­nia. The sem­i­nar had about 50 par­tic­i­pants from the en­tire for­mer Yu­goslavia. The pro­gram and the ma­te­ri­als are avail­able on the sem­i­nar page in Ser­bian. We are grate­ful to the or­gan­is­ers who made this ad­di­tion­al sem­i­nar pos­si­ble, and es­pe­cial­ly to the JANES project. JANES ends at the same time as ReLDI, and at the end of the sem­i­nar we cel­e­brat­ed sev­er­al years of fruit­ful ac­tiv­i­ties by.…..

  • The ReLDI team gath­ered in Zurich 11–15 April 2017 for the fi­nal project meet­ing.…

  • The fourth ReLDI sem­i­nar (the sec­ond in Za­greb) took place from 23 to 26 Feb­ru­ary 2017. The pro­gram and the ma­te­ri­als are avail­able on the sem­i­nar page in Ser­bian. Par­tic­i­pant list and short bi­ogra­phies are avail­able on the same page.…

  • In col­lab­o­ra­tion with the Slovene project JANES, we are or­gan­is­ing an ad­di­tion­al ReLDI sem­i­nar, to be held 21–23 June 2017 in Ljubl­jana. De­tailed in­for­ma­tion is avail­able here.…

  • The sec­ond ReLDI sem­i­nar took place in Bel­grade from 26 to 29 Jan­u­ary 2017. The pro­gram and ma­te­ri­als are avail­able on the sem­i­nar page in Ser­bian. The list of the par­tic­i­pants and their short bi­ogra­phies will be avail­able soon.…

  • On 28 Oc­to­ber 2016 Adri­ano Fer­raresi (Uni­ver­si­ty of Bologna) and Maja Mil­ice­vic held a sta­tis­tics sem­i­nar for (cor­pus) lin­guists ti­tled “Count your fre­quen­cies wise­ly! An in­tro­duc­tion to con­cepts and meth­ods in quan­ti­ta­tive (cor­pus) lin­guis­tics”. The sem­i­nar was host­ed by the De­part­ment of In­ter­pret­ing and Trans­la­tion of the Uni­ver­si­ty of Bologna.…

  • On 29 Sep­tem­ber 2016 Niko­la Ljubešić gave two ReLDI-re­lat­ed talks at the Lan­guage Tech­nolo­gies & Dig­i­tal Hu­man­i­ties 2016 con­fer­ence in Ljubl­jana: (1) Eas­i­ly Ac­ces­si­ble Lan­guage Tech­nolo­gies for Slovene, Croa­t­ian and Ser­bian (au­thors: Niko­la Ljubešić, Tomaž Er­javec, Dar­ja Fišer, Tan­ja Samardžić, Maja Mil­iče­vić, Fil­ip Klu­bič­ka, Fil­ip Petkovs­ki); (2) Analysing spa­tial dis­tri­b­u­tion of lin­guis­tic vari­ables in geoen­cod­ed tweets from Croa­t­ia, Bosnia, Mon­tene­gro and Ser­bia (au­thors: Niko­la Ljubešić, Tan­ja Samardžić, Maja Mil­iče­vić).…

  • The most im­por­tant lan­guage tech­nol­o­gy tools de­vel­oped in­side the project are avail­able via a web ap­pli­ca­tion (http://nl.ijs.si/services, reg­is­tra­tion point) and an API li­brary (https://github.com/clarinsi/reldi-lib). We will con­tin­ue adding tools to the ReLDI ecosys­tem as we de­vel­op them.…

  • An ar­ti­cle on our project ap­peared in the Bel­grade dai­ly news­pa­per Danas (in Ser­bian).…

  • The sec­ond ReLDI sem­i­nar took place in Za­greb from 27 to 30 June 2016. The list of sem­i­nar par­tic­i­pants and their short bi­ogra­phies will be avail­able soon on the sem­i­nar page (in Croa­t­ian).…

  • The first set of re­sources and tools for Croa­t­ian and Ser­bian de­vel­oped or im­proved in the ReLDI project is now ready for shar­ing. The ac­cess de­tails and terms of use are avail­able on the re­sources and tools page.…

  • The first ReLDI sem­i­nar took place in Bel­grade from 2 to 5 June. The list of the par­tic­i­pants and their short bi­ogra­phies will be avail­able soon on the sem­i­nar page (in Ser­bian).…

  • The ReLDI team spent a week in Za­greb in a new round of project meet­ings.…

  • Reg­is­tra­tion is open for the sec­ond ReLDI sem­i­nar, to be at the Fac­ul­ty of Hu­man­i­ties and So­cial Sci­ences in Za­greb 27–30 June 2016. More info (in Croa­t­ian) can be found on the lo­cal page of the sem­i­nar.…

  • On 18 April 2016 Maja Mil­iče­vić gave a talk about ReLDI at the 4th Novi Sad Work­shop on Psy­cholin­guis­tic, Neu­rolin­guis­tic and Clin­i­cal Lin­guis­tic Re­search.…

  • The ReLDI team is in Zurich this week for an­oth­er round of project meet­ings.…

  • Reg­is­tra­tion is now open for first ReLDI sem­i­nar at the Fac­ul­ty of Philol­o­gy in Bel­grade 2–5 June 2016. More info (in Ser­bian) can be found on the lo­cal page of the sem­i­nar.…

  • Tan­ja Samardz­ic will give a talk about ReLDI at the in­ter­na­tion­al work­shop: Vari­a­tion in space and time: clausal com­ple­men­ta­tion in South Slav­ic on 18 March 2016.…

  • Our web­site is now avail­able in Croa­t­ian and Ser­bian too. Fol­low the lan­guage bar on the right to see the con­tent in the two lo­cal lan­guages.…

  • The ReLDI team is in Zurich this week prepar­ing the first round of sem­i­nars.…

  • In col­lab­o­ra­tion with the JANES Ek­spres project, Niko­la Ljubesic and Maja Mil­ice­vic held par­al­lel work­shops for an­no­ta­tors of non-stan­­dard Croa­t­ian and Ser­bian. Niko­la led the work­shop held in Za­greb on 4 De­cem­ber, and Maja the one held in Bel­grade on 10 De­cem­ber, both to­geth­er with Tomaz Er­javec. More info is avail­able here.…

  • In col­lab­o­ra­tion with the Slovene project JANES, on 25 No­vem­ber 2015 Maja Mil­ice­vic held a sta­tis­tics sem­i­nar for cor­pus lin­guists ti­tled “Be­yond ex­am­ple ex­trac­tion: Quan­ti­ta­tive analy­sis of the JANES cor­pus”. More info is avail­able here.…

  • As part of the first ReLDI re­search stay in Za­greb, Tan­ja Samardz­ic is giv­ing a talk “Steps in pro­cess­ing a cor­pus of Swiss Ger­man di­alects”…

  • We are hap­py to an­nounce that the Eng­lish ver­sion of our web­site is up and run­ning. For now you can find in­for­ma­tion about what ReLDI is and what we will do over the next year and a half; much more stuff will be added soon. We are also work­ing on web­site lo­cal­i­sa­tion for Croa­t­ian and Ser­bian, which we hope to fi­nalise in De­cem­ber. So stay tuned!…

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