14 Jun Questionnaire on attitudes towards the relation between language and national identity
Authors Vladan Pavlović, Miloš Jovanović Contents and description Questionnaire on attitudes towards the relation between language and national identity Download instrument Questionnaire on attitudes towards the relation between language and national identity Publications Pavlović, Vladan and Miloš Jovanović (2013). Stavovi studenata Univerziteta u Nišu o odnosu jezičkog i nacionalnog identiteta. Teme 38/2. 701-717. [Link] Pavlović, Vladan and Miloš Jovanović (2013). 'Language Nationalism' vs 'Language Cosmopolitanism': Divisions in the Attitudes towards the Relation between Language and National Identity''. In I. Spasić and P. Cvetičanin (Eds) Us and Them –...