Questionnaire on EFL pragmatic competence (compliments)

Sabi­na Halup­ka-Reše­tar

Con­tents and de­scrip­tion
Ques­tion­naire on EFL prag­mat­ic com­pe­tence (com­pli­ments)

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Ques­tion­naire­on EFL prag­mat­ic com­pe­tence (com­pli­ments)

Halup­ka-Reše­tar, Sabi­na (2014). Com­pli­ment re­spons­es — a study of the prag­mat­ic com­pe­tence of ad­vanced EFL stu­dents in Ser­bia. In T. Prćić et al. (Eds) En­gles­ki jezik i an­glo­fone kn­jiževnos­ti u teori­ji i prak­si: Zbornik rado­va u čast Drag­in­ji Per­vaz (pp. 173–191). Novi Sad: Filo­zof­s­ki fakul­tet. [Link]

Cite the repos­i­to­ry page
Halup­ka-Reše­tar, Sabi­na (2019). Ques­tion­naire on EFL prag­mat­ic com­pe­tence (com­pli­ments). ReLDI — Re­gion­al Lin­guis­tic Data Ini­tia­tive plat­form.

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