Data collection instruments

Found 11 Re­sults
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Acceptability judgement test for studying the possessive dative in Serbian

Au­thor Maja Mil­iče­vić Con­tents and de­scrip­tion 1. So­ciode­mo­graph­ic ques­tion­naire 2. Of­fline ac­cept­abil­i­ty judge­ment task 3. On­line ac­cept­abil­i­ty judge­ment task Down­load in­stru­ment So­ciode­mo­graph­ic ques­tion­naire Of­fline task in­struc­tions Of­fline task — ListA1 Of­fline task — ListB1 Of­fline task — ListC1 Of­fline task — ListD1 On­line task in­struc­tions On­line task — ListA (E-Prime .es2 file) On­line task — ListB (E-Prime .es2 file) On­line task — ListC (E-Prime .es2 file) On­line task — ListD (E-Prime .es2 file) Pub­li­ca­tions Mil­iče­vić, Maja (2012). The pos­ses­sive da­tive…



Picture verification task for testing null and overt pronominal subjects in Croatian (1)

Au­thor Ti­hana Kraš Con­tents and de­scrip­tion Pic­ture ver­i­fi­ca­tion task — sen­tences Down­load in­stru­ment Pic­ture ver­i­fi­ca­tion task — sen­tences Pub­li­ca­tions Kraš, Ti­hana (2008). Anapho­ra res­o­lu­tion in Croa­t­ian: Psy­cholin­guis­tic ev­i­dence from na­tive speak­ers. In M. Tadić, M. Dim­itro­­­va-Vulchano­­­va i S. Ko­e­va (Eds), Pro­ceed­ings of the Sixth In­ter­na­tion­al Con­fer­ence For­mal Ap­proach­es to South Slav­ic and Balkan Lan­guages. Za­greb: Croa­t­ian Lan­guage Tech­nolo­gies So­ci­ety – Fac­ul­ty of Hu­man­i­ties and So­cial Sci­ences. 67–72. [Link] Cite the repos­i­to­ry page Kraš, Ti­hana (2016). Za­datak od­abi­ra slike za ispi­ti­van­je…



Picture verification task for testing null and overt pronominal subjects in Croatian (2)

Au­thor Tan­ja Stipeć Con­tents and de­scrip­tion Pic­ture ver­i­fi­ca­tion task Down­load in­stru­ment Pic­ture ver­i­fi­ca­tion task Pub­li­ca­tions Kraš, Ti­hana and Tan­ja Stipeć (2013). In­ter­pre­ta­tion of am­bigu­ous sub­ject pro­nouns in Croa­t­ian by peo­ple with Down syn­drome and typ­i­cal­ly de­vel­op­ing chil­dren. In S. Baiz, N. Gold­man and R. Hawkes (Eds), Pro­ceed­ings of the 37th an­nu­al Boston Uni­ver­si­ty Con­fer­ence on Lan­guage De­vel­op­ment (pp. 178–190). Somerville, MA: Cas­cadil­la Press. Kraš, Ti­hana, He­le­na Rubčić and Tan­ja Stipeć (2015). Sub­ject pro­noun in­ter­pre­ta­tion in Croa­t­ian: Com­par­ing mono­lin­guals with si­mul­ta­ne­ous…



Questionnaire on attitudes towards the relation between language and national identity

Au­thors Vladan Pavlović, Miloš Jo­vanović Con­tents and de­scrip­tion Ques­tion­naire on at­ti­tudes to­wards the re­la­tion be­tween lan­guage and na­tion­al iden­ti­ty Down­load in­stru­ment Ques­tion­naire on at­ti­tudes to­wards the re­la­tion be­tween lan­guage and na­tion­al iden­ti­ty Pub­li­ca­tions Pavlović, Vladan and Miloš Jo­vanović (2013). Stavovi stu­de­na­ta Uni­verzite­ta u Nišu o odno­su jez­ičkog i na­cionalnog iden­tite­ta. Teme 38/2. 701–717. [Link] Pavlović, Vladan and Miloš Jo­vanović (2013). ‘Lan­guage Na­tion­al­ism’ vs ‘Lan­guage Cos­mopoli­tanism’: Di­vi­sions in the At­ti­tudes to­wards the Re­la­tion be­tween Lan­guage and Na­tion­al Iden­ti­ty”. In I. Spasić…



Questionnaire on EFL pragmatic competence (compliments)

Au­thor Sabi­na Halup­­­ka-Reše­­­tar Con­tents and de­scrip­tion Ques­tion­naire on EFL prag­mat­ic com­pe­tence (com­pli­ments) Down­load in­stru­ment Ques­tion­naire­on EFL prag­mat­ic com­pe­tence (com­pli­ments) Pub­li­ca­tions Halup­­­ka-Reše­­­tar, Sabi­na (2014). Com­pli­ment re­spons­es — a study of the prag­mat­ic com­pe­tence of ad­vanced EFL stu­dents in Ser­bia. In T. Prćić et al. (Eds) En­gles­ki jezik i an­glo­fone kn­jiževnos­ti u teori­ji i prak­si: Zbornik rado­va u čast Drag­in­ji Per­vaz (pp. 173–191). Novi Sad: Filo­zof­s­ki fakul­tet. [Link] Cite the repos­i­to­ry page Halup­­­ka-Reše­­­tar, Sabi­na (2019). Ques­tion­naire on EFL prag­mat­ic com­pe­tence (com­pli­ments). ReLDI…



Serbian aphasia screening test

Au­thor Mile Vuković Con­tents and de­scrip­tion Ser­bian Apha­sia Screen­ing Test Down­load in­stru­ment Ser­bian Apha­sia Screen­ing Test Pub­li­ca­tions Vuković, Mile, Bo­jana Drl­jan, and Ire­na Vuković (2014). Val­i­daci­ja skrin­ing tes­ta za afaz­i­je gov­orni­ka srp­skog jezi­ka. Speci­jal­na edukaci­ja i re­ha­bil­itaci­ja 1. 73–86. [Link] Cite the repos­i­to­ry page Vuković, Mile (2016). Skrin­ing test za afaz­i­je za gov­ornike srp­skog jezi­ka. ReLDI — Re­gion­al Lin­guis­tic Data Ini­tia­tive plat­form.



Serbian word reading test

Au­thor Mile Vuković Con­tents and de­scrip­tion Ser­bian Word Read­ing Test Down­load in­stru­ment Ser­bian Word Read­ing Test Ser­bian Word Read­ing Test — examiner’s form Pub­li­ca­tions Vuković, Mile (2015). Tret­man afaz­i­ja. 2. edi­tion. Bel­grade: Uni­ver­si­ty of Bel­grade – Fac­ul­ty of Spe­cial Ed­u­ca­tion and Re­ha­bil­i­ta­tion. Vuković, Mile, Ire­na Vuković, Nick Miller (in press). Ac­quired dyslex­ia in Ser­bian speak­ers with Broca’s and Wernicke’s apha­sia. Jour­nal of Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Dis­or­ders. [Link] Cite the repos­i­to­ry page Vuković, Mile (2016). Test či­tan­ja reči. ReLDI — Re­gion­al Lin­guis­tic Data…

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Survey on request modification

Au­thor Sabi­na Halup­­­ka-Reše­­­tar Con­tents and de­scrip­tion Sur­vey on re­quest mod­i­fi­ca­tion Down­load in­stru­ment Sur­vey on re­quest mod­i­fi­ca­tion Pub­li­ca­tions Halup­­­ka-Reše­­­tar, Sabi­na (2014). Re­quest mod­i­fi­ca­tion in the prag­mat­ic pro­duc­tion of in­ter­me­di­ate ESP learn­ers. ESP To­day 2: 29–47. [Link] Cite the repos­i­to­ry page Halup­­­ka-Reše­­­tar, Sabi­na (2019). Sur­vey on re­quest mod­i­fi­ca­tion. ReLDI — Re­gion­al Lin­guis­tic Data Ini­tia­tive plat­form.



Test battery for establishing attitudes towards Anglicisms in Serbian

Au­thor Je­le­na Gru­bor Con­tents and de­scrip­tion 1. (Ne­ol­o­gisms) An­gli­cisms in Ser­bian at­ti­tude scale 2. (Ne­ol­o­gism) An­gli­cism use eval­u­a­tion scale 3. Reg­istry of lex­i­cal pairs Down­load in­stru­ment Gru­bor 2011 — Ba­ter­i­ja za ispi­ti­van­je stavo­va pre­ma an­gli­cizmi­ma u srp­skom jeziku Pub­li­ca­tions Gru­bor, Je­le­na (2011). Stav gov­orni­ka srp­skog jezi­ka pre­ma (ne­ol­o­gizmi­ma) an­gli­cizmi­ma u srp­skom jeziku. Prilozi prouča­van­ju jezi­ka 42: 65–79. Cite the repos­i­to­ry page Gru­bor, Je­le­na (2016). Ba­ter­i­ja testo­va za ispi­ti­van­je stavo­va pre­ma an­gli­cizmi­ma u srp­skom jeziku. The ReLDI — Re­gion­al Lin­guis­tic Data…



Test battery for establishing attitudes towards L2 English language learning

Au­thor Je­le­na Gru­bor Con­tents and de­scrip­tion I: Test bat­tery for es­tab­lish­ing at­ti­tudes to­wards L2 Eng­lish lan­guage learn­ing 0. So­ciode­mo­graph­ic ques­tion­naire 1a. His­to­ry of Eng­lish lan­guage learn­ing ques­tion­naire 1b. Eng­lish lan­guage learn­ing con­text eval­u­a­tion scale 2. Eng­lish lan­guage learn­ing at­ti­tude scale 3. So­cial dis­tance scale (Bog­a­r­dus scale) 4. As­pi­ra­tion scale 5. Ex­tracur­ric­u­lar Eng­lish lan­guage in­put scale II: Test bat­tery for es­tab­lish­ing the par­ents’ at­ti­tudes to­wards L2 Eng­lish lan­guage learn­ing 1. So­ciode­mo­graph­ic ques­tion­naire 2. Lan­guage pro­fi­cien­cy eval­u­a­tion scale 3. Eng­lish lan­guage learn­ing…

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Test battery for studying the acquisition of L2 Serbian reflexives and reciprocals

Au­thor Maja Mil­iče­vić Con­tents and de­scrip­tion 1. So­ciode­mo­graph­ic ques­tion­naire 2. Pro­fi­cien­cy test (Cloze test) 3. Pic­ture judge­ment task 4. Ac­cept­abil­i­ty judge­ment task Down­load in­stru­ment So­ciode­mo­graph­ic ques­tion­naire Pro­fi­cien­cy test (Cloze test) Pic­ture judge­ment task Pic­tures for the pic­ture judge­ment task Ac­cept­abil­i­ty judge­ment task Com­plete test (na­tive speak­er ver­sion, ran­domi­sa­tion A) Com­plete test (na­tive speak­er ver­sion, ran­domi­sa­tion B) Down­load re­sults Re­sults of all tasks Pub­li­ca­tions Mil­iče­vić, Maja (2007). The Ac­qui­si­tion of Re­flex­ives and Rec­i­p­ro­cals in L2 Ital­ian, Ser­bian and Eng­lish. Doc­tor­al dis­ser­ta­tion.…

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